Tuesday 29 January 2013

This lovely froggy lady is made from hand dyed muslin and careful painting to create her facial features and various skin tones. She is wearing a homespun dress ( fabric bought in USA ) with a cute felt sunflower pin upon which rests a tiny fimo ladybird friend and a pair of tea dyed muslin bloomers. She has on cute black hand painted shoes with a tiny button on the side. The original pattern and distinctive style of this primitive is from Threadbare Primitives.

Monday 28 January 2013

To grunge or not to grunge?

Most of my dolls are "primitive" style, this means they are based upon creations from a time when simplicity and basic supplies were all that was to hand. Modern day primitives are generally "grunged" which means they are dirtied using different recipes of stains like tea coffee, cinnamon and so on.
I tend to leave my creations in a "clean" state and ungrunged because i feel that a lot of people in the UK wouldn't really get the dirtied up look and what it was trying to achieve. Personally i like both but the grunged dolls possess a time worn charm of all their own.
I try wherever possible to locate and use "homespun" fabrics but again i find them hard to come by in the UK. The fabrics available in the USA are outstanding and obtainable but often the postage costs and import duty out prices them which is a great shame.
We have a lot of catching up to do in this country but i expect that limited demand means that very few outlets are willing to spend money on importing these wonderful fabrics. :(

Another Christmas bunny but this time made from tea dyed muslin and wearing a snowman pattern dress.

This little bunny is all decked out in Christmas fabrics and colours. Her body is made from tea stained quilters muslin.

Monday 7 January 2013

Every things coming up daisies!

This dolly was created using a pattern from Sweet Meadows Farm. There are other flowers in the range on the pattern which i am hoping to get around to making soon.

Spooky goings on !

My Latest Bunny make

Made from hand dyed muslin

Creative Flow

The process of creating something with the hands is an externalisation of the inner self. If we are tense or tired then it can reflect in our work. Stitches will echo that sensation, brush strokes will seem jagged and clumsy and so on.
If the mood is gentle and relaxed then the artistic ability seems to stream through your work creating a sense of visual joy in the physical creation and the very fibre of the finished piece radiates a sense of love and well being.
Create with joy and your work shall be a testimony to the spirit of the artist.